Update from Girls Coach Conor Mallen:

Girls Team update by Coach Conor Mallen:

Last Friday, our team scored what has to be said was a historical and massive win for our team and club; quietly 82 to 9. I'm still pinching myself. It is now pretty clear we have the depth of players that will really drive our chances home this year. Round 1, the girls communicated so well, were hungry for the ball, looked for and protected their teammates, used the ball intelligently and were great ambassadors for the club in the way they conducted themselves. Importantly, they looked like they had fun. Please check the attached photo after the game.

We have a number of new girls coming into our team this week and returning next week, which will mean the team will be able to field a full team with a proper bench, unlike last week. Thanks goes out to Carine JFC for helping us out last Friday, by sharing some of their players. They always play strong and fair. We will also roster experienced and interested Year 8s up to play with the Year 9/10s on a regular basis to strengthen their team and create an easier transition to the higher age group next year. We also train with the 9/10s on occasion to help girls develop their game and gain confidence playing at a higher age group and also just because it is fun for everyone to meet up and train and play together. We are lucky to have an experienced and talented coach in Ryan Martins and the same in the manager, Jo Fredrickson, in charge of the Year 7/8 team who support all the high school girls.

We are playing at home this week. Please ensure players arrive at the oval no later than 6:30pm to warm up etc.

See you all soon.


Conor Mallen
Year 7/8 Coach
Wembley Junior Football Club